Health News
Learn about quantum health breakthroughs spanning more than 30 years of studies from NES Health and its WellNES program, now in Whole Wellness Health Nutrition.
Quantum Physics
Applications In Nes Health Quantum physics is Geometry applied to a software system as a mathematical model is already an abstract beauty because it is the smallest of the universe used as NanoTechnology and is also a force made by the divine magic of the creator as...
What NES miHealth does
We recently conducted a large outcomes study for miHealth that included 251 subjects, who collected data at 367 data points. In the study, 88% of participants benefited from NES miHealth therapy at the initial consultation. In addition, the positive effect on overall...
How NES miHealth works?
MiHealth helps retrain your body's own healing system by communicating specifically with the parts of the body it is in contact with. The device does this primarily by sending ultra-weak electrical signals to the site it is in contact with and then "listens" to the...
NES miHealth
Rejuvenate the body's energy with powerful therapies that remove blockages, release trigger points and correct the flow of energy throughout the body. Easy to use, the NES miHealth is a compact, portable, electronic and multifunctional instrument that can be used both...
How NES Provision works
The body's information is a bit like computer software, telling the body's biochemistry how to organize and structure itself. If you have perfectly functioning software, your body knows exactly what to do and can repair itself. Essentially, the body can work from a...
NES Provision
(Re) Assess the body in just seconds for a detailed analysis that addresses the three critical factors for health within the body: its information, energy and physiology. NES ProVision advanced analysis software is an incredibly comprehensive and beautifully designed...